Teacher: Stacey Hanright Observer: Natalie Williams
Lesson: Mathematics Strand: Algebra
Learning Intention: We are learning to recognise a repeating pattern using numbers
Start time: 11:25 Finish time: 11:35
Group lesson
What did the lesson look like?
- Before you started the lesson you talked about prior learning, and you modelled on the whiteboard using objects, and asking targeted questions depending on the level of the learner
- You modelled on the whiteboard using objects and 2 different colours and children responded positively to this
- You drew a line after the 2nd colour in the pattern and this was a great visual prompt to remind children about what they were expected to do
- You used the sign for ‘same’ to support visual learners
- Before moving on to the next part of the lesson, you ensured that children had a good understanding
- You linked prior knowledge and you talked to the children that "now we are going to make a pattern using numbers"
- NATURE - immediately said the new pattern sequence 1,2 (FANTASTIC)
- When children answered incorrectly you responded by having a positive approach (you acknowledged their answer, and supported them to find the correct answer)
- You lesson ensure that all children were participating and contributing
- You left the familiar pattern sequence (objects and colours) and wrote the number sequence underneath. This provided a visual prompt for children
- You also identified that you needed to draw a line after the 2nd colour in the sequence as children still needed this visual prompt
- You then moved onto using a 3rd object (orange) and moved onto the pattern 1,2,3
Where to next…
- Nature was not initially engaged in the lesson and she was sitting to the back of the group (I identified that this could be because she was on the floor and everyone else were in chairs, so I put her on a chair and she was engaged) - So just make sure that all children are comfortable and set up to participate in the lesson before starting.
- Saxon started getting bored e.g. playing with his hair, rocking (this is an indication that he needed a sensory break)
- Because introducing a repeating pattern using numbers is a new concept for all children, I recommend that you focus on the 1,2 pattern in the one lesson and introduce 1,2,3 pattern once you know that children have understood.
Pleased with the observation plenty of good feedback and where to next to think about.
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