Tuesday 24 February 2015

Staff blogging session

After a fantastic day in Tawa at James Street school pleased to join my colleagues at Junior syndicate meeting :) to plan and inform of what was coming for the rest of term one. Then to spend some much needed discussion and time assessing our blogs    

Friday 6 February 2015

Professional development

Recap of 2 days pd
Day one Staff Hauroa
A very informative day with Denise who has a very sound holistic approach to hauroa and encouraging self examination
Taught us skills for letting go of previous 2014 negatives and carrying forward the positives 😀

Denise encouraged us to keep our stories short  (Which I personally will find very challenging as I can be all about the details 😐)

Among other skills shared was allowing ourselves to develop as active listener's to have the ability not to step in and take on or take over someone else's problem
or give a solution that might not be appropriate from another's point of view and actually is not what is being asked for.

We finished our day discussing how we relate to ourselves and others and building our integrity ☺

Day two
Robyn RTLB discussed  functional behavior
"What you focus on grows" how about growing the self belief

M = SE × V
Motivation equals self ethics x value
Not just from a child's point of view, l'm pretty sure we all approach a task thinking like this ie
What am I able to do
What is the value of what I am doing
Gives the motivation to complete

From a teacher prospective remembering to check in, making sure they can do the task  (thank you to Ana for sharing your knowledge to give me tools for an easy check in system, thumbs-up, thumbs -half way, thumbs -down)

And something for me to remember is the presenting problem is seldom the real problem ☺